So I ran into an issue today, I was deploying TAP on a TKGm cluster on-prem and I went with one of the available t-shirt sizes for my nodes — After I deployed TAP I noticed that the buildservice kept failing so I started to do a little troubleshooting, and when I checked the events I noticed that their were errors regarding disk pressure on the nodes and the pods being evicted, and then I remembered that TAP requires a minimum of 70GB of disk space on the worker nodes and I only had 40GB. So I thought, well, I can just get the cluster YAML and make the changes their, in TKGs you can run the below command:
kubectl get tkc -A
kubectl edit tkc mycluster -n my-namespace
If you run the above from the Supervisor context you can edit your cluster, but in TKGm there isn’t a tkc CRD, there is a cluster CRD but when I ran the below from the management context the YAML only had some basic information:
kubectl get cluster mycluster -n my-namespace
So now I wanted to fix my mistake with the least amount of work on my part, so I ran the tanzu command to see what was available and sure enough we can create node-pools, so that’s what I did I created a node-pool config file, created a new node-pool and then deleted the original node-pool and viola! TAP finally installed correctly and I was able to access the TAP GUI; commands to follow as to what I did:
tanzu cluster node-pool list mycluster
touch my-newpool
I am on vSphere so I will create a file that is vSphere specific but have a look HERE for the spec
name: tkg-wc-oidc-md-1
replicas: 4
key1: value1
key2: value2
memoryMiB: 16384
diskGiB: 80
numCPUs: 4
datacenter: dc0
datastore: iscsi-ds-0
storagePolicyName: name
folder: vmFolder
resourcePool: rp-1
network: network-name
Then simply run
tanzu cluster node-pool set mycluster -f my-newpool
Once you are happy you can delete the old node-pool
tanzu cluster node-pool delete mycluster --name md-0