Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “k8s”
Migration to Hugo Part1
Well after thinking about migrating from Wordpress I’ve actually done it, I’ve migrated the blog over to Hugo a static site generator; I will have a full write up on the reasons behind me migrating off of Wordpress but for now I just wanted to write something quick and get the infra in place to make the move. More to come…
Kubernetes DNS issues
So I ran into an interesting issue today, I had provisioned a new k8s cluster using kubeADM but I replaced docker with containerD, everything was smooth and then I deployed prometheus and grafana using helm, and I noticed that I couldn’t connect grafana to prometheus I had installed istio so I thought that was the issue, maybe by default istio was messing with the pods network communication, but I also noticed that when I tried to install a dashboard from grafana I received an error, so the container couldn’t reach grafana.
CKAD Cert passed!!
I’ve passed my CKAD! this is a little delayed because I’ve been super busy.
Site Outage
It seems my mariadb container restarted which caused the site to become unstable, I killed both my front end pods and let k8s restart them and it all seems to be working right now, I need to do some investigation as to why the DB restarted.
k8s upgrade
Well I decided to upgrade my k8s cluster this morning to see what kind of damage I could inflict on the site, well a lot I took it down, I think a huge part of it is, I am only running 2 nodes and they are 2×4(2CPU, 4GB of RAM) and there just wasn’t enough resource once the rolling upgrade began. Also once the upgrade was complete my front end deployment was still broken I am running a service mesh and it seems the proxies timed-out waiting for resources, so the deployment was half up half down; luckily this was a simple fix, kubectl rollout restart deploy my_deploy again I think the core issue here is just not enough resource in the cluster.